FDA Approved smart vitals monitor

    We wrote production ready firmware for cloud connected vitals monitor. Built several new features at rapid pace. Analyzed and implemented fixes several critical bugs ensuring smoother roll out of devices.

    Work Highlights
    1. Setup offline debugging for the firmware project with GCC, GDB setup in order to effectively debug the bugs.
    2. Did root cause analysis for several bugs and fixed them.
    3. Built several critical features over a period of 18 months
    4. Helped with test firmware for FCC, IEC60601 and other medical standards needed for FDA clearance
    5. Worked with third party testing lab for conducting tests. Rectified failures working with firmware, web and application development teams.
    6. Played a vital role in designing a new version of the product
    7. Worked on 2 new POCS. A BLE relay and integration of BLE SPO2 device.
    • Microcontroller with Wifi: Particle P1
    • Bluetooth 4.2: BLE121LR
    • Sensors: BP, ECG, SPO2 and Temperature
    • Makefile based Cross Compilation
    • Ecillpse IDE
    • Segger JTAG debugging
    • Github
    • Jira