This solution makes using Wi-Fi, BLE on ESP32 and 2G/4G on popular Quectel and SIMcom modems with AWS IoT easier. The goal of the solution is to allow products using cellular modems to seamlessly integrate with AWS IOT with additional option of using Wi-Fi on ESP32. The core library is built on ESP-IDF running two tasks, application and system. System task takes care of AWS IOT, Modem communication, OTA and logging. Application task is completely available for user application.



    AWS IOT Device Provisioning

    The feature enables provisioning of devices with security certificates. This enables devices to communicate securely with AWS-IOT. The solution performs the following tasks

    1. Registers the device on AWS IOT
    2. Downloads the security certificates
    3. Registers and validates the device license with BuildStorm cloud

    AWS IOT MQTT Data Ingest

    The feature enables logging application data to AWS IOT cloud with MQTT. The solution performs the following tasks

    1. Implements MQTT connect, publish and subscribe functions on utilizing the vendor SDK in a non-blocking architecture
    2. Provides easy to use C library for application to log data to the cloud.


    The feature enables updating the device firmware implementing the following AWS IOT features

    1. Download firmware binaries with HTTP.
    2. Handle firmware updates on the device
    3. Report firmware update status and version to the cloud
    4. Safe roll back in case of OTA failure.


    Supported Modems


    • M66, M95
    • EG91, EG25
    • BG95, BG96
    • EC200U


    • SIM7600E
    • SIMA7670C

    Supported Controllers

    • ESP32
    • STM32

    Supported AWS IoT Features

    The solution provides support for the following core features. The firmware features are built by utilizing the AT commands provided by the modules.

    1. AWS IoT MQTT Data Logging
    2. AWS Device Provisioning
    3. AWS Jobs
    4. Shadow Updates
    5. Over the Air (OTA) Updates
