Setting up KAA IoT for device connection

Overview KAA IoT device setup involves the creation of application and device on the cloud platform, enabling seamless communication and interaction between the cloud and the registered device. Creating a device profile enables us to obtain the necessary credentials....

Exploring Kaa IoT Commands

Overview KAA IoT Commands serve as brief, temporary messages designed to remotely manage devices within your IoT network. These commands enable users to exert control over various aspects of connected devices, facilitating seamless management and operation of the IoT...

ESP32 OTA Updates with KAA IoT

Overview KAA IoT OTA Updates involves uploading the file to the cloud and assigning the firmware to the device you want to update. Getting started  Follow this article to do provisioning & registering the device on KAA IoT. KAA IoT Side OTA Setup Sign in to the...

KAA IoT Platform

In the ever-evolving landscape of IoT development, having a robust firmware solution is paramount. Our offering is designed to empower developers by seamlessly integrating core IoT features onto ESP32 hardware. From fundamental drivers to sophisticated functionalities...

Understanding ThingsBoard IoT Device Attributes

ThingsBoard provides the ability to assign custom attributes to your entities and manage these attributes. Those attributes are stored in the database and may be used for data visualization and data processing. Attributes are treated as key-value pairs. Flexibility...