The firmware solution offers integration of IoT core features on ESP32 Hardware. It covers integration from basic IoT drivers to advanced features like provisioning,Twins and OTA. Building a solid foundation for your next IoT application, giving a 3 month head-start on product development.

    Azure IoT Platform


    Device Provisioning

    The feature enables provisioning of devices using Device ID and Symmetric Key. This enables devices to communicate securely with Azure IoT. The solution performs the following tasks


    1. The Application registers the device on Azure IoT.
    2. Upon registration, the device uses the Connection String to authenticate itself with Azure IoT.

    Device Twins

    1. A device twin is a JSON document, associated with a specific device, and stored by IoT Hub in the cloud where you can query them.
    2. A device twin contains desired properties, reported properties, and tags.
    3. A desired property is set by a back-end application and read by a device.

    OTA Updates using Method

    1. Azure IoT OTA using methods involves sending the binary file to the device for firmware updates through the ‘Direct Methods’ option.
    2. Direct methods are HTTPS-only from the cloud side and MQTT, AMQP, MQTT over WebSockets, or AMQP over WebSockets from the device side.
    3. The payload for method requests and responses is a JSON document up to 128 KB.


    ThingsBoard Architecture


    You can find the documentation from the link mentioned below. It contains API references and user guides to help you use this library.


    Try it out

    esp32 Azure platform

    1. esp idf baremetal
    2. arduino esp32

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